Bed number 34 and still enjoying it.

We are at the end of another memorable visit to the US. We packed for wintery - spring like weather especially as we were going to be in Pennsylvania in March and Minnesota in April, but in the end we have not had one day below 70F (that's about 21c). We have dragged a load of cold weather clothes with us and not needed them.  It's been wonderful!

We have seen Father pour his loving heart out all over the place and it has been fabulous to behold.  All sorts of surprises along the way too. We are continually asked how we cope with the traveling and the continual change of place, pace and beds, we were in number 34 last night since January.  Sometimes we are asked in such a way and in a tone of voice that suggests that the expectation is for us to respond with a sigh and a sagging of the shoulders that implies "We are suffering for the Lord"!  My response is always, "We love it! We are having the time of our lives!"

In the past I have had the belief that serving God somehow had to be serious business, hard work and certainly not enjoyable.  I met a lady once in a hotel foyer in Kiev who was giving out tracts. I said I didn't need one as I was a Christian. I wished her well and said "Have fun!"  She looked at me with a very shocked expression and said "Young man (I liked that bit) I am here to serve the Lord, not have fun."  When we live like orphan hearted servants we tend to think that it is all work, has to be hard and full of suffering and certainly not frivolously enjoyable.  Since having discovered my true identity as a son to my heavenly Father,  I've also discovered that serving him is so much more fun than I had imagined.  He takes delight in us, he loves his children to work with him on his projects and he carries the load and we get in the yoke alongside him. He takes the strain, pulls the plough and is so happy we are alongside him in it.  It has transformed my understanding of serving him.

Serving has been my default setting for years and I'd retreat into it because my significance was there.  Now my significance is in Him as his son and serving is so much easier and more fun because I'm doing it with him, not for him.  He plans the job and I get to do it with him.  It's not that sometimes it isn't hard, or there is a cost and sometimes there is suffering along the way, but the joy is amazing. It was said of Jesus, "for the joy set before him endured the cross".  So that is what this means.

So how do we cope with the traveling?  Have a guess!!!


  1. The lady in Kiev reminds me of short conversation in The Plough, Nr Winchester. We were leaving the restaurant with a Senior Army Officer (about age 80)and a staff member called after him "Take care". He turned 180 degrees to face her and kindly but clearly said ... Take care? Take care? - Never! Take risks! I hope I'm like that at 80. Edward


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